“How are you?”

“I’m fine”

“Don’t you owe it to yourself to be better than just fine?”

YES, you do.

….so, what is this?

Philosophical life coaching is life coaching informed through philosophy.

But what is philosophy and how can that help me?

Simply translated, philosophy means “the love of wisdom”. To gain real wisdom about ourselves we need to lean into our natural capacity for reflection and reasoning. This is the reason why combining coaching and philosophy is so powerful.

In the classical world, philosophy was never an opaque discipline. It was a tool kit designed to help people to live well, particularly during more difficult periods of life. The point of philosophy today remains the same: to answer the “big questions” that are at the heart of the human condition.

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were the world’s first life coaches, psychotherapists and psychologists. A central theme for them all was “what makes a good life”. They asked questions that made people think for themselves; they wanted to really understand what made people flourish.

Key to flourishing is authenticity. Authenticity means being the author of one’s own existence.

Philosophical life coaching helps you make sense of you and your needs.

It can help you with:

  • Understanding the limiting central story you are telling yourself and what impact that is having on your life - for example:- “I’m not good enough”; “I’m a failure”; “Everyone is ahead of where I am”; or “Why am I not fulfilled?”;

  • Moving through a professional or personal transition;

  • Eliciting clarity on identity and self-image;

  • The reason you are still people pleasing;

  • Finding your meaning and purpose; and

  • Understanding your values and core beliefs

It is similar to life coaching, but whereas life coaching tends to be more practical and goal driven, philosophical coaching is grounded in ancient wisdom and teaches you to think critically and to reflect deeply. It is empowering beyond the sessions because it gives you an autonomous and independent way of thinking.

Who am I?


I received my undergraduate degree in BA (Hons) in Philosophy from the University of Sheffield.

I am a Certified Integrative Coach having completed an evidence based Accredited Certificate in Integrative Coaching with the School of Positive Transformation over the course of two years.  I am also trained as a philosophically informed life coach.

Mentor for the 10,000 Black Interns Programme.

I am a lawyer in the City of London and have practiced law for over 15 years.

I am a mother of two school age children.

My Why

“Who you are is how you coach” so here’s a little about me.

I was drawn to the study of philosophy before both law and coaching. My love affair with philosophy began at the age of 15 when I successfully campaigned to have philosophy taught as part of my school’s A-Level syllabus. I went on to complete a philosophy degree and loved it. I was excited with the idea of applying philosophical thinking practically; that we could come up with our own “personal philosophy” which could root us throughout our lives.

After my degree I went on to study law and continue to enjoy a fulfilling legal career as a lawyer in the city of London.  My decision to become a philosophically minded coach alongside my legal career stemmed from my wanting to make an impact through meaningful work using a philosophical style of enquiry.

I am fascinated by the way in which people’s lives can be immeasurably changed just by taking the time to sit with themselves in order to figure out their meaning and purpose. I’ve seen my clients become more anchored, truly authentic, resilient and also caring less what other people think or expect from them because they have finally figured who they are and what they want.

Everyone has a story to tell and deserves to flourish within it.

My “Why” is to help you “Find the Joy in Being You”.

How can I help you?

Most important of all, my role is to listen with compassion and curiosity. I am in our sessions entirely for you and will always hold you in positive unconditional regard.

I believe people have within them a vast resource for self understanding, an ability to alter their self concept, attitude and self directed behaviour. These resources are much better tapped into with a “person centred” facilitative philosophical enquiry.

I will help you unveil your own philosophy or your “why”.

I move away from the idea that if you feel lost or “a bit stuck” that we can outsource “finding yourself” by solely consuming self help books or  listening to podcasts. Whilst I think there is an important place for these materials,  I believe that there is a “toxic positivity” to this consumption. In our culture, we have “an addiction to distraction” and ironically these well being materials can often act as a distraction. They prevent people from standing up to themselves and asking themselves what is really making them unhappy or how they be more than just “fine”. 

One-to-one philosophical coaching gets to the core of who you really are and what it means to be you. It is very much an “inside to outside” approach. 

Featured Media.

Live Without Regrets:
Find Your Purpose In Or Out Of Law

Live Without Regrets: Find Your Purpose In Or Out Of Law

It’s All About You.

If you don’t ask..

  • Do you seek clarity around your meaning and purpose?

    Do you know what you value?

    How attached are you to the current version of your self?

    What regrets don’t you want?

    If you could change three things in your life what would they be?

    Do you have a key talent that you would like to explore more?

    Are you doing something in the present to help create an expanding future?

    Do you feel long-term commitment to your present occupation or field of work?

    Do you feel overwhelmed and unable to find the space to think about why?

    If so, I can help you. Imagine feeling:

    Authentically you and making good decisions through your values.

    Caring less what other people think.

    Being fulfilled personally and professionally.

    Having a true sense of your purpose.

    Being liberated by being yourself for yourself.

    Being empowered by your past and not hindered by it.

  • Therapy is a wide ranging concept which includes various approaches such as psychotherapy, counselling, and psychiatry. The primary focus of therapy is addressing mental health issues and emotional distress. Therapists tend to focus on the past, roots of trauma and how these show up for the client. The overall goal of therapy is to alleviate distress and to support clients in managing and resolving emotional and psychological issues.

    Philosophical Life Coaching helps people to gain clarity, self-understanding and insight into their values and life choices. As a philosophical life coach I encourage my clients to focus on the present and the future (only dipping into the past so that I can understand my client’s whole story). My aim is to promote personal growth, decision-making through critical thinking and ultimately making a meaningful and fulfilling life for my clients.

  • I offer a completely free of charge and no obligation 45 minute call to get to know one another.

    The amount I charge depends on whether I am providing corporate or personal coaching, and also the length of time we work together. I prefer not to discuss my fees until we have had our initial call. I will put together a fee structure at the end of our first meeting and we take it from there.

  • No, you absolutely do not need to have studied philosophy to benefit from philosophical coaching. It can benefit people from any background and at any stage of their life.

  • Philosophical coaching can be particularly beneficial for executives. It provides tools to enhance leadership skills, decision-making, and overall effectiveness in executive roles. Below are some examples of how this could work:-

    1. Critical Thinking: Philosophical coaching encourages executives to engage in critical thinking and philosophical reflection. This helps develop a deeper understanding of complex issues, assess situations from different angles, and make more informed decisions.

    2. Ethical Leadership: Philosophical coaching can assist executives in exploring ethical dilemmas and moral considerations in their decision-making processes. It enables an alignment with leadership and values, promoting ethical behavior within organisations.

    3. Self-Awareness: By examining beliefs, values, and personal philosophies, executives can gain greater self-awareness. This self-awareness can help understand strengths, weaknesses leading to improved self-leadership and emotional intelligence.

    4. Problem Solving: Philosophical coaching equips executives with skills to approach problems and challenges in a systematic and logical manner.

    5. Effective Communication: Philosophical dialogues can enhance an executive's communication skills. The ability to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly, engage in constructive debates, and actively listen to others can foster better teamwork and collaboration.

    6. Adaptability: Philosophical coaching can help executives become more adaptable and open to change. Exploring various philosophical perspectives can better navigate uncertainty.

    7. Leadership Development: Philosophical coaching can assist executives in developing a leadership style, focusing on authenticity, and building stronger connections with colleagues.

    8. Stress Management: Executives often face high levels of stress. Philosophical coaching can help manage stress and maintain resilience by providing tools for perspective-taking, emotional regulation and what really matters.

    9. Value driven Goal Setting: Philosophical coaching can assist executives in setting meaningful and values-aligned goals, which can drive motivation and purpose in their professional lives.

    10. Work-Life Balance: Philosophical coaching can help executives find balance between their personal and professional lives, ensuring well-being and overall life satisfaction.

    Philosophical coaching offers executives a framework for self-improvement, ethical leadership, critical thinking, enabling a more effective and purpose-driven role.

  • One -to-one philosophical life coaching for individuals and executives.

Let’s talk.

Interested in exploring philosophical life coaching? I offer a free no obligation 45 minute call to meet one another. Please complete your details below and I will be in touch.